Phillip Island


There are a large number of beaches both sheltered beaches on the inland side and surf beaches on the ocean side of the island

Phillip Island Helicopters
225-243 Thompson Ave

03 5956 7316, (http://www.phillipislandh...). take a helicopter flight and see this fantastic island from one of our new helicopters.

Scuba Diving

Phillip island is home to some of the most spectacular scuba diving destinations in victoria.

Cape Woolamai

There are several loops of walking tracks of various lengths. doing all the walks might take up to 3 hours. most of the cape is a huge mutton-bird or shearwater colony and the birds’ burrows are everywhere. there are few trees in much of the area but there is a section of regenerating bush. the first part of the walks is along the beach, starting near the lifesaving club.